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       Workshops   Office Hours   Employment
Free Email Estimate

Just input your basic information in the below fields and we can give you a baseline (and estimated start point for your return.) and we can work from here to give you the most for your return.

No Information will be submitted without consent of the Client.This is a free system just to give you an ideal of what we can get back for you. Basesline estimates do not incorporate itemizations or business expenses or gain.
Free Baseline Estimate

Request a free baseline estimate just fill in the required information.

First Name:
Last Name:
Zip Code:
Your Age
Spouses age
Wages, tips and salary
Federal Taxes paid
State taxes were paid to
State taxes paid
Number of dependents
Dependent 1 age
Dependent 2 age
Dependent 3 age
College Tuition and expenses
Gross Business Income
Gross Business Expenses
Business Vehicle Milage